「亞洲文創跨界創作展」係由國際知名藝術家董陽孜發起,香港設計師劉小康及平面設計師陳俊良為策展人,展覽場域由空間設計師陳瑞憲規劃,展出亞洲六大漢字文化國家及區域,針對書法文字意境創作海報作品,主要為發揚與傳遞書法藝術美學?! 榱俗屨褂[更具多元性,10月7日晚間18:0 0於松山文創園區巴洛克花園區舉行「妙法自然」開幕晚宴(憑邀請卡入席),由知名音樂人方文山擔任晚宴策劃,邀請百位藝文人士創作潮T,並進行動態秀及義賣活動,讓書法透過時尚語彙,走入生活! With bridging as part of its b
為了讓展覽更具多元性,10月7日晚間18:0 0於松山文創園區巴洛克花園區舉行「妙法自然」開幕晚宴(憑邀請卡入席),由知名音樂人方文山擔任晚宴策劃,邀請百位藝文人士創作潮T,並進行動態秀及義賣活動,讓書法透過時尚語彙,走入生活!
With bridging as part of its being, 2011 National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute: connects Taiwanese craft and the world with humility, combines man and nature with gentility, blends design and craft with wellrounded thinking, and places craft and art side by side with foresight and vision. Transcending time, the traditional and the contemporary merge. With bamboo as the medium, through material transforming techniques that open a new realm to the arts, NTCRDI presents the unique natural spirit of craft.
“AND” stands for ‘Art’, ‘Nature’ and ‘Design’; exemplifying tolerance and harmony embodied in the theme “Crossover-Symbiosis.” “AND” also means the interpretation of nothingness, the imagination and curiosity of the unknown and the linkage that exists among them.
策展顧問 Consultant / 李尉郎 Lee, Weilang
指導 Official Organizer / 行政院文化建設委員會
Council for Cultural Affairs, Taiwan
主辦 Executive Organizer / 國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心
National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute
執行Organizing Team / 藝藏股份有限公司 ARTMW CO., LTD.
參展國家 Participant Countries /
臺灣 Taiwan、日本 Japan、韓國 Korea、泰國 Thailand、
法國 France、美國 U.S.A.、丹麥 Denmark
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