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EDC Clip 潮玩卡包
在CLIP CLOP EDC Clip展開時,彈力帶會巧妙地自動縮回并隱匿于產品內部。 When the CLIP CLOP EDC Clip is unfolded, the elastic bands seamlessly retract and hide within the interior of the product, creating a sleek and compact design.
CLIP CLOP EDC Clip最多可存放10張卡片。然而,為了充分發揮其彈力和磁力的優勢,建議存放6張以內的卡片。這款EDC Clip提供了兩種取卡方式,首卡快速取卡與多卡選卡方式,使您能夠根據自己的使用習慣靈活選擇。通過合理排列卡片順序,您可以獲得更加便捷和高效的使用體驗。 The CLIP CLOP EDC Clip boasts a capacity to store up to 10 cards. However, to maximize its elastic and magnetic properties, it is recommended to store 6 or fewer cards. This EDC Clip offers two card retrieval options: quick access for the first card and a selection method for multiple cards, allowing you to choose flexibly ba-sed on your usage habits. By arranging your cards in an optimal order, you can enjoy a more convenient and efficient user experience.
取卡開蓋時,只需輕輕一推,當達到一定距離后,磁力便會自然釋放,此時彈力帶的強大回彈力會迅速將蓋子自動彈開,為您帶來流暢且便捷的取卡體驗。 When opening the CLIP CLOP EDC Clip to retrieve a card, all it takes is a gentle push. Once a certain distance is reached, the magnetic force naturally releases, and the powerful resilience of the elastic band quickly springs the lid open, providing a smooth and convenient card retrieval experience.
CLIP CLOP EDC Clip配備了兩套紙幣夾和螺絲刀,為用戶提供了更多個性化的選擇。您可以根據自己的喜好和需求,自由選擇安裝這些配件。 The CLIP CLOP EDC Clip comes equipped with two sets of note clips and a screwdriver, offering users more personalized options. You can freely choose to install these accessories ba-sed on your preferences and needs.
作品版權 歸 哈士奇設計 所有, 禁止匿名轉載;禁止商業使用; 禁止個人使用。